Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Beginning

Well, here I am, gradually progressing in my nearly lifelong quest of becoming published, or at least noticed. It's been a long and difficult process which is still far from over, although I've learned a lot through my trial and error. It's helped to develop my plots and details, changing them immensely from their original forms. I guess you could say I am a compelled artist of the printed media who just has to tell a story or I'll be overwhelmed by the ferver which compels me. Most of us want to do things that we truly love to further define ourselves, but some of us are willing to step into the fire, so to speak, to push forward and work hard to accomplish this goal. I hope that someday soon I will attain this after years of working hard on it, and being my own worst enemy.


  1. Welcome! I'll be following your progress and will follow you publicly once you put up your google button. ~Nadja

  2. Hi! I'm a fellow writer and friend of your sister's. And I'm a new follower.

    Best of luck with your writing! Stop by my blog and say hi sometime. :)

    Gabrielle Bisset
