Monday, May 23, 2011

Obstacle Overcome

Have recently completed a troubling scene which taunted me for several weeks now. Hah! Two enter, one leaves. I didn't quite know how to execute the scene with the forceful impact I had intended to convey. After a long while it came to me. Funny thing though, I dreamt it. I've incorporated a lot from my dreams into my characters and settings, but have never written a scene from them.

Another plus is that the stage is set for the second half to play out with a more defined beginning. It was a merciless torment being unable to make it work the way I felt it should. I tried a half dozen ways to write it, but none of them felt right. I'm sure many of you can identify with that: certain scenes need to have that feel. Alas, it is done, and I am content. For now anyway. Now to trudge ahead to the next part, through the mud and mire. Good luck to all, and happy writing!


  1. Ugh. I've been stuck on a scene for a week with no clear way out. I can't quite capture the true purpose of the scene for some reason. I hate it when I get stuck, but I usually know it's for a reason. Something needs to get worked out. Glad you got yours figured out.

  2. I know, it's a devilish little imp taunting me from time to time. Perhaps some favorite music to spark that epiphany.

  3. Isn't it satisfying to figure out a way to articulate exactly the mood and atmosphere you've been conjuring after struggling with it? ~ Nadja

  4. It is overwhelmingly so. I'm so relieved about this first obstacle. Many more to come.
